file: logr_sbd_msg_spurs2.html

LOGR53 Iridium SBD Message Format - 30 June 2016

The current hourly message format is the same for both messages. The MET message contains hourly averaged values (except wind compass). The IRD2 message may be enabled to transmit a redundant copy of the MET message (usually not enabled). Messages are based upon a 'C' language structure shown here:

/* 34 byte packed MET data record (note flag value to identify MET vs IRD2 message) */
struct IRIDIUM_record
   unsigned char hour;   /* time is not packed for ease of verifying */
   unsigned char min;
   unsigned char day;
   unsigned char mon;
   unsigned char year;   /* year is offset from 2000 (no good after year 2255 :-) */
   unsigned short record;   /* sequential record number from startup */   
   short we,wn;   /* wind speed m/sec */
                  /* (short)(we * 100) ==> +/- 327.67 m/s */
                  /* (short)(wn * 100) ==> +/- 327.67 m/s */

   short compass;  /* last compass degrees */
                   /* (short)(compass * 10) ==> +/- 3276.7 degrees */

   unsigned short bp;   /* barometer millibars */
                        /* (ushort)((bp - 900.0) * 100) ==> 900.00 - 1555.35 mbar */

   short rh;           /* humidity %, deg C */
   unsigned short th;  /* (short)(rh * 100) ==> +/- 327.67 %RH */
                       /* (ushort)((th + 20.0) * 1000) ==> -20.000 to +45.535 degC */

   short sr;  /* short wave w/m^2 */
              /* (ushort)(sr * 10) ==> +/- 3276.7 w/m^2 */

   short lwflux;  /* lwr flux */
                  /* (short)(lwflux * 10) ==> +/-3276.7 w/m^2 */

   short prlev;  /* precipitation values */
                 /* (short)(prlev * 100) ==> +/-327.67 mm */

   unsigned short sct; /* SeaCat sea temp deg C */
                       /* (ushort)((sct + 5.0) * 1000) ==> -5.000 to +60.535 degC */
   unsigned short scc; /* SeaCat conductivity Siemens */
                       /* (ushort)(scc * 1000) ==> 0.000 to +6.5535 Siemens/meter */

   unsigned short wsavg;   	/* wind speed average m/sec */
   							/* (short)(wind speed * 100) ==> +/- 327.67 m/s */

   unsigned char flag;	/* zero for MET message, 0xFF for IRD2 message */
   unsigned char spare2;  	/* these last 2 bytes used for 0xA5A5 flag */
   unsigned char spare3;

A typical 34 byte binary record looks something like this (in HEX-ASCII):


Wow! So now what!

First, note the following:
All integers are 2 bytes, stored MS byte first.

From the structures above, note that time is stored first, so:

Bytes 0 - 4

0A22150700 is time as follows:

Bytes 5,6

A sequential record number is kept from power up - possibly useful for untangling problem data records with bad time ?? (may be eliminated in future software versions)

DATA VALUES (more detail later...):
Bytes 7 - 30

Refer to the 'C' structure above for position and packing of each 2-byte integer data value (remember, MS byte first)

Byte 31

To identify which data an SBD message contains, the flag is cleared to 0 (zero) for regular MET messages, and set to 0xFF for IRD2 messages.

Bytes 32 - 33

These bytes are used to indicate that a record in FLASH storage has been written by the LOGR53. Currently maintained here for convenience in debugging - may remove in future.