file: SEAS_ops.html

Preliminary SEAS Controller Commands - Firmware Ver 2.40
- 24 Jan 2002

- ALL COMMANDS ARE TERMINATED IN CARRIAGE RETURN <cr> - don't forget! It's assumed for all commands below.

- mode of operation:

Standard commands (precede with # only, i.e. #STAT to get status):

NOTE: The FULL command set is ONLY available when the SEAS Controller is NOT running (see STOP command).

APPENDIX 1: Configuration Parameters and (Ranges)

A = # of clean_inlet cycles before opening Sampler Inlet (1 - 10) [default: 2]
B = Sampler Inlet Level select - use 1,3,7 or 15 for levels 1 - 4 [default: 3 (2nd level)]
C = # of Fe2 unknown analyses to run on each sample (1 - 5) [default: 3]
D = # of Fe3 unknown analyses to run on each sample (1 - 5) [default: 3]
E = # of minutes til abort if Sampler Inlet Level NOT reached after opening (1 - 255) [default: 30]
F = # of clean_inlet cycles after analysis complete or after abort (1 - 10) [default: 2]
G = # of Fe2 analyses of "blank standard" (wash water) after unknown analysis (1 - 5) [default: 2]
H = # of Fe3 analyses of "blank standard" (wash water) after unknown analysis (1 - 5) [default: 2]
I = # of minutes til restart if RAIN is still detected after analysis complete or abort (1 - 255) [default: 30]
J = # of seconds to wash the Sampler Inlet (1 - 255) [default: 25]
K = # of seconds to flush the Sampler Inlet (1 - 255) [default: 30]
M = met mode ==> 0 = none, 1 = external MET, 2 = local MET (0,1,2 only) [default: 2]
R = # of minutes of restart delay between samples regardless; (0 disables, 1 - 255) [default: 120]
U = SEAS2_retry timeout (# of minutes of NO RESPONSE to commands during standard ops) (1 - 255) [default: 15]
V = SEAS3_retry timeout (# of minutes of NO RESPONSE to commands during standard ops) (1 - 255) [default: 15]
W = wind check toggle ==> 0 = OFF, 1 = ON (0,1 only) [default: 0]
X = SEAS2_analysis_timeout (SEAS taking too long to complete analysis) (1 - 255) [default: 15]
Y = SEAS3_analysis_timeout (SEAS taking too long to complete analysis) (1 - 255) [default: 15]

NOTE: Currently operational steps are sequenced on a 1-minute interval; this means there are often 1-minute delays between steps; most noticeable when multiple cycles are required to complete a function. For example, you may notice a pause between multtiple clean_inlet cycles, or during SEAS instrument steps.

APPENDIX 2: STATUS byte masks - see struct.dec

/* system_status masks - 1 = TRUE */
#define sample_OK       0x01
#define WIND_OK         0x02
#define RAIN            0x04
#define INLET_open      0x08
#define XMET_OK         0x10
#define analyze_OK      0x20
#define SEAS2_analyzing 0x40
#define SEAS3_analyzing 0x80

/* maincpu_status masks */
#define WND_pwr         0x01    /* power ON = 1, OFF = 0 */
#define MET_pwr         0x02
#define INLET_pwr       0x04
#define SEAS2_pwr       0x10
#define SEAS3_pwr       0x20
#define RDETECT         0x40    /* 0 = rain detected, 1 = NO rain (as sent by Rain Detector hardware) */
#define SDELAY          0x80    /* if set, restart delay in progress */

/* inlet_status masks - only available in FLASH record */
#define MOTOR_dir       0x01
#define MOTOR_enable    0x02
#define OPEN_limit      0x04
#define CLOSED_limit    0x08
#define PUMP1_pwr       0x10
#define FLUSH_pwr       0x10
#define PUMP2_pwr       0x20
#define WASH_pwr        0x20
#define FLUSHED         0x40
#define WASHED          0x80


/* SEAS2_status & SEAS3_status values (NOT masks!) */
#define IDLE_powerup    0x01
#define RECORD_dark     0x02
#define RECORD_ref      0x03
#define MIX_reagent     0x04
#define SETTLING        0x05
#define RECORD_sample   0x06
#define FLUSH_sys       0x07    /* only after 'f' command */
#define IDLE_mdone      0x08
#define IDLE_fdone      0x09    /* only after 'f' command */
#define IDLE_datasent   0x0A