XRF Sample Handler Controller Commands

for Ver 1.7, 22 Feb 2000

file: shndlcmd.html


AD[0-6] - Get A/D from channel 0 - 6

APWR[0-1][=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF for A/D channel 0 or 1 device

CAD[0-6] - request continuous A/D readings from channel 0 to 6

CAL[0-6] - request cal constants set for channel 0 - 6

CPOS - request continuous position readings from turntable encoder

GOCWp,ss - move sample #ss clockwise to position #p, as follows:

H - request HELP menu

ITK[=0,1] - request or control motor 2 (intake position)

L - request INFO (serial number, cal constants, etc)

MDIR[1-3][=0,1] - request or set motor 1 - 3 direction

MEN[1-3][=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF motors 1 - 3

MLIM[0-3] - request limit switch status

MPWR[=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF for main motor power

POS - request position reading from turntable encoder

PUMP[=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF for air pumps

PV[=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF for purge valve

ROCWnnnn - rotate turntable clockwise to absolute position of encoder

STAT - request current status in computer-readable format

T[0-23] move sample # 0 - 23 to home position (for servicing)

UOK - handle EEPROM; check or update values

XRF[=0,1] - request or control motor 3 (xrf position)


4001 - range error; the value entered is out of range.

4002 - running error; the motor is already running.

4003 - no motor power error; main power to the motors is not enabled.

4004 - no response error; the position encoder is not responding;

4005 - sample range error; the sample number is not 0 to 23. (GOCW command)

4006 - position range error; the position number is not 0 to 2. (GOCW command)

4101 - motor 1 error; motor 1 cannot start because motor 2 and 3 "open" limit switches are not active.