SOX OPS Documentation Page
file: sox_ops.html - 05 Oct 2001
Basic "Theory of Ops"
- Talk to all systems via the PC104 (XRF System Control PC - Linux) main console on /dev/ttyS0
The PC104 Linux PC runs the sox software in the background to operate the XRF system; a
serial port is dedicated to comms with the XRF system embedded hardware.
MET data is passed out of the PC104 PC to the OZONE and SEAS systems on dedicated XMET
serial ports. The OZONE and SEAS system consoles are connected to the PC104 PC on two additional
serial ports.
Software could be written and run in background (like sox software for XRF) to communicate with
the OZONE and SEAS system consoles to grab status, etc., during deployment.
XRF System
- - start XRF system ops by running the following command at prompt as shown:
pc104:~/soxmain/$ sox > console.txt 2> error.txt &
This results in sox software running XRF system ops with all console output directed
to a log file console.txt
- - XRF MainCPU (console of embedded hardware package) is on PC104 /dev/ttyS1
- - sox software sends TIME and MET data to OZONE and SEAS XMET ports via:
- PC104 /dev/ttyS32 - MET to OZONE
- PC104 /dev/ttyS33 - MET to SEAS
OZONE System
- - OZONE MainCPU (console of OZONE embedded hardware package) is on PC104 /dev/ttyS34
- - to access from PC104 main console, login and run minicom as foillows:
pc104:~$ minicom ttyS34
FE-SEAS System
- - SEAS MainCPU (console of SEAS embedded hardware package) is on PC104 /dev/ttyS35
- - to access from PC104 main console, login and run minicom as foillows:
pc104:~$ minicom ttyS35