XRF Main CPU Commands (passthru version)

Last update: 17 Aug 2000

file: xmaincpu.html


ALLOFF - kill all power to modules

H - request brief HELP menu

STAT - request HEX status byte (power control bits - 0 = ON)

PINL[=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF for sample inlet

PMET[=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF for MET package

PRFL[=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF for RF link package

PSMP[=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF for sample handler

PWND[=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF for WND module

PXRF[=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF for XRF (relay control)

PXPC[=0,1] - request current status or power ON/OFF for XRF PC

RMSG - request response from last Sxxx command

SINLstring - send 'string' to INLET comm port (uart1)

SMETstring - send 'string' to MET comm port (uart1)

SRFLstring - send 'string' to RF link comm port (uart3)

SSMPstring - send 'string' to sample handler comm port (uart1)

SWNDstring - send 'string' to WND comm port (uart1)

SXcommand-string - send 'command-string', via MAINCPU command processor, to XRF PC comm port (uart2)

UOK - handle BBRAM; check or update values

XMSG[K] - request response from last SXRR command to the XRF-PC