file: asimet_sampling_definitions.html
20 Nov 2007

ASIMET Sampling Definitions

The following sections define the sampling for each of the ASIMET modules. Except for SWR and WND, measurements are made near the end of the 60 second sampling interval. At the end of this 1 minute interval, the new value(s) are put into a buffer that is returned whenever data is requested. The data in this buffer is the same for the next minute, until replaced at the end of the new 60 second sampling interval. In modules with FLASH memory, time at the end of the 1 hour logging interval is attached to the data and the data is stored as 60 one minute data sets in a record.

NOTE: For HRH, PRC, SWR, and LWR, the "snapshot" is actually the average of 16 A/D conversions spanning several milliseconds.
(HPS and LWRF boards both use the Burr-Brown ADS7807 16-bit A/D converter)

Relative Humidity and Air Temperature (HRH).

Proposed averaging for satellite transmission is a one hour average of each variable.

Sea Surface Temperature (SST).

Proposed averaging for satellite transmission is a one hour average of temperature.

Precipitation (PRC).

Proposed averaging for satellite transmission is a one hour average of precipitation.

Shortwave Radiation (SWR).

Proposed averaging for satellite transmission is a one hour average of shortwave radiation.

Longwave Radiation (LWR).

Proposed averaging for satellite transmission is a one hour average of longwave radiation.

Barometric Pressure (BPR).

Proposed averaging for satellite transmission is a one hour average of barometric pressure.

Wind Speed and Direction (WND).

Proposed averaging for satellite transmission is a one hour average of wind speed data: vector average wind east, vector average wind north, and average wind speed.