The following commands are available on the RS-485 communications link to the PICWND front end. This is a 9600 baud link and the PICWND is NOT addressable. This is NOT like other front ends.
Note: commands sent are indicated in BOLD, responses in normal text. <crlf> represents ASCII carriage return and line feed. The space after the BOLD command in each example is for clarity - it is NOT actually transmitted.
Command Description
C Complete data return - one return takes 5 seconds - a single line response consisting of wind speed HEX counts for 5 second interval, 5 readings of vane HEX degrees * 10 at 1 second intervals, a compass reading in degrees 0 - 359.9, a pitch reading in degrees +/- 50.0, and a roll reading in degrees. +/- 50.0. - e.g. C 0125 04B5 04B5 04C2 04C7 04D1 35.6 P0.2 R-1.2<crlf> H Help - a single line response indicating the available commands. - e.g. H CMD: C,H,T[C,T,S,V],V<crlf> T Test commands - continuous output until character received C - compass direction - e.g. TC 345.2 345.2 345.1 . T - tilt X and Y (pitch and roll) - e.g. TT P2.1R-2.7 P1.9R-2.6 . S - speed in HEX counts at 1 second intervals - e.g. TS 0125 0125 0124 . V - vane reading in HEX degrees x 10 - e.g. TV 0D82 0D83 0D83 . NOTE: any character received will abort continuous output. V Version of firmware - responds with firmware version - e.g. V PICWND v1.0<crlf>