Last Modified: 8 Dec 2000

The following commands are available on the RS-485 communications link to the WND Ver. 1.5 module.

See "ASIMET MODULE OPERATIONS" document for instructions on how to hook up this link to your PC and RS-485 adapter.

Note: commands sent are indicated in BOLD, responses in normal text. <crlf> represents ASCII carriage return and line feed; <crlfetx> represents ASCII carriage return, line feed, ETX (03h).

Command Description

        A       Address acknowledge
                - returns address of module, terminated by <crlfetx>
                - e.g. #WND01A WND01<crlfetx>
                - NOTE: WND01 is the default address of the WND module; it 
                may be changed by the 'U' command but any failure of 
                BB_RAM will result in the use of the default address.  In 
                the event of BB_RAM failure, a message is sent to the RS-
                232 console port on startup.  In addition, use of 
                defaults is reported in the 'L' command.
        C       Output calibrated data
                - outputs calibrated value as follows:
                Ve Vn WSavg WSmax WSmin LastVane LastComp TiltXAvg TiltYAvg<crlfetx> 
                - example: #WND01C 2.34 1.45 4.9 5.2 4.7 123.1 234.5 0.2 0.3<crlfetx>
                - C language format: "%6.2f %6.2f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f\r\n\x03"
        D       Set RT clock date/time: 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS'
                - on module startup, the date and time are initialized from 
                the battery-backed Dallas RTC chip.  The 'D' command 
                accepts a fixed format string of exactly 19 characters 
                representing date and time.  For example, sending the 
                following command:
                #WND01D1998/01/18 10:35:15
                will set the date to 18 January 1998 at 10:35:15 AM.
                - the module returns <crlfetx> in acknowledgement.
                - the time will be set at the instant that the last digit is 
                sent; thus you may enter the module address, command and 
                first 16 characters of the date and time, and finally 
                enter the 19th character in sync with your reference 
                clock.  The current date and time may be determined using 
                the 'L' command.
        F       PCMCIA card access (only if FLASH card installed)
                - there are 5 'F' commands available for accessing the Intel 
                Type II+ 4 megabyte FLASH memory card used for data 
                storage.  These commands allow reading the card contents 
                via the RS-485 command link, storing BB_RAM contents for 
                archival purposes, and FLASH card erasure.
                - the lowest 128 kilobyte block of the FLASH card is 
                reserved for system information.  As of the current 
                revision (VOSWND v1.5), only stored BB_RAM contents 
                reside here, beginning at byte 257 (100h) and continuing 
                for 1024 bytes (4FFh).  The rest of the 128 kilobyte 
                block reads as all FFh.  This block may be erased without 
                affecting data stored in the rest of the FLASH card.
           FB - Read any 512 byte block, hex
                - any 512 byte block from 1 to 8192 may be chosen as the 
                starting block.  Block 1 is the default starting point.
                - blocks are formatted as 32 bytes (64 ASCII characters) of 
                HEX-ASCII per line by 16 lines per 512 byte block.
                - example (default start block - note BB_RAM info stored by 

                Start block # [1] ->                 (hit ENTER here for default)
                - to read the next block, hit ENTER.
                - to quit, hit X followed by ENTER.
                - Note 1: Blocks 1, 2, and 3 contain the 1024 bytes of 
                BB_RAM image, if written by the 'FS' command below.  The 
                BB_RAM image begins at the middle of block 1 and ends in 
                the middle of block 3.
                - Note 2: The first DATA record is written at block 257 
                (above the first 128 Kbyte reserved system info area at 
                card physical address 20000h).
           FR - Read data record, formatted
                - any 740 byte record from 1 to 5490 may be chosen as the 
                starting record.  Record 1 is the default starting point.
                - records are formatted as 1 line of date and time followed 
                by 60 minutes of WND records, one per line.  Readings occur
                on the minute, beginning with minute 0 and ending at minute 
                59, with the record written to the FLASH card at 59 
                minutes, 01 seconds of each hour.
                - example (default start record):

                Start record # -> 
                1996/01/09 09:59:00
                2.34 1.45 4.9 5.2 4.5 123.1 234.5 0.3 0.3
                2.30 1.42 4.9 5.2 4.5 122.5 234.4 0.2 0.3
                2.27 1.39 4.9 5.2 4.5 121.7 234.7 0.2 0.4

                - to read the next record, hit ENTER.
                - to quit, hit X followed by ENTER.
                - Note 1: values of ??? indicates no reading was available 
                from the PICWND for that minute; each minute's data is 
                placed at a fixed location in the storage array 
                corresponding to the minute when the data was acquired.  
                Values of Na indicates an unused portion of the FLASH 
                card has been accessed.  This value corresponds to the 
                all FFh condition of the erased FLASH card.
                - Note 2: The first DATA record is written at block 257 
                (above the first 128 Kbyte reserved system info area at 
                card physical address 20000h).  Using the 'FB' command 
                above and selecting block 257 as the start block, you may 
                inspect the packed binary format of the data at record 1. 
                Since each block is 512 bytes long, you will see data 
                from 1 records at a time.
                - See document WNDFLASH for FLASH card internal storage 
           FS - Store BB_RAM constants
                - on startup, 1024 bytes of the BB_RAM are read into system 
                RAM and mapped onto a data structure of miscellaneous 
                system information and calibration constants.  This area 
                of system RAM may be modified using the 'U' command, and 
                the BB_RAM may then be re-written with the modified 
                information.  As an additional backup for possible data 
                processing use later, this information may also be 
                written out, in binary format, to the system/info area of 
                the FLASH memory card.
                - example: #WND01FS System info written to PCMCIA<crlfetx>
                - NOTE: The system/info area must be erased prior to each 
                use of the 'FS' command.
                - the system area may be read in HEX-ASCII format by reading 
                blocks 1, 2, and 3 with the 'FB' command above, or as 
                part of the binary dump of the entire FLASH card using 
                the 'XMODE' command below.
                - See document WNDFLASH for FLASH card internal storage 
           FE - Erase entire card (Y/N)
                - use ONLY if you wish to erase the entire FLASH card.  This 
                command takes several seconds to complete.  After each 
                128 Kbyte block erase, a dot (.) is sent, followed by a 
                "Cleared" message when done.
                - upon entry, you are prompted "Do you really want to erase? 
                Y/[N]"  The default response is NO; in fact any response 
                other than uppercase Y will abort with 
                - example: 
                #WND01FE Do you really want to erase? Y/[N]<crlf>
                Y Erasing Flash Card...................................<crlf>
                - upon completion, the next hour record will be written at 
                record 1.
           FI - Erase system/info area (Y/N)
                - this command allows erasure of the system area ONLY, and 
                in particular, the BB_RAM info stored with the 'FS' 
                command above.  The data area will NOT be erased by this 
                - upon entry, you are prompted "Do you really want to erase 
                system info? Y/[N]"  The default response is NO; in fact 
                any response other than uppercase Y will abort with 
                - example: 

                #WND01FI Do you really want to erase system info? Y/[N]<crlf>
                Y Erasing...System info cleared<crlfetx>
        H       Help
                - a multiple line response with text similar to the first 
                line of each command description in this document as the 
                help line, with each line terminated <crlf> and final 
                line terminated <crlfetx>, as follows:
                A - Address acknowledge
                C - Output calibrated data
                D - Set RT clock date/time: 'YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS'
                F - PCMCIA card access
                       FB - Read any block, hex
                       FR - Read data record, formatted
                       FS - Store BB_RAM constants
                       FE - Erase entire card (Y/N)
                       FI - Erase system/info area (Y/N)
                H - Display Help message
                I - Report ID information
                L - Report ID, serial #, cal info, etc.
                P - Enter polled test mode
                R - Output raw data
                T - Enter test mode
                U - Update BB_RAM constants - password 'OK'
                XMODE - XMODEM Dump PCMCIA card via console

                Note: 'F' and 'XMODE' commands not present unless
                FLASH card installed.
        I       Report ID information
                - displays the text information stored in BB_RAM, with 
                headers as follows, each line terminated in crlf:
                MODADR: ( 5 bytes text)         module address
                MODMFG: (16 bytes text)         module manufacturer
                MODMOD: (16 bytes text)         model number
                MODSER: ( 8 bytes text)         serial number
                MODDAT: ( 8 bytes text)         manufacture date
                SENMFG: (16 bytes text)         sensor manufacturer
                SENMOD: (16 bytes text)         model number
                SENSER: ( 8 bytes text)         serial number
                SENDAT: ( 8 bytes text)         manufacture date
                SFTMFG: (16 bytes text)         program origin
                SFTNAM: (16 bytes text)         program name
                SFTREV: ( 8 bytes text)         serial number
                SFTDAT: ( 8 bytes text)         revision date
                CALFAC: (16 bytes text)         calibration facility
                CALPER: (16 bytes text)         calibration technician
                CALDAT: ( 8 bytes text)         calibration date
                DATFRM: (64 bytes text)         calibrated data output format
                DATDES: (64 bytes text)         calibrated data description
                DATUNI: (64 bytes text)         calibrated data units
                RAWFRM: (64 bytes text)         raw data output format
                RAWDES: (64 bytes text)         raw data description
                RAWUNI: (64 bytes text)         raw data units
                - the last scan sent is terminated by <crlfetx>.
        L       Report ID, serial #, cal info, etc.
                - the 'L' command provides miscellaneous status information 
                about the module in a multi-line response.  The number of 
                lines in the response may vary depending upon the 
                battery-backed RAM and PCMCIA card status.  Normally, 
                after an initial <crlf>, 8 lines of info are provided, as 
                module id from BB_RAM<crlf>
                module serial number from BB_RAM<crlf>
                firmware name and version number from program FLASH EPROM<crlf>
                crystal frequency from EPROM
                calibration date from BB_RAM<crlf>
                current date and time<crlf>
                PCMCIA card installed - PCMCIA card status<crlf>
                PCMCIA card 1 hour records used, available<crlfetx>
                - example typical response (8 lines plus initial <crlf>):
                VOS51WND v1.5
                2.4576 Mhz
                00/12/08 11:23:35
                PCMCIA CARD present - CARD OK!
                Records used: 125; available: 7811
                - the last line is terminated by <crlfetx>.
        P       Enter polled test mode
                - same as 'T' command below, except after initial scan, waits
                for any character (except ESC) to send next scan.

        R       Output raw value
                - outputs raw data values, as follows:
                sample_time, pulse_count, compass degrees, east vector
                (m/s), north vector (m/s)<crlfetx>
                - sends header line first
                - example: #WND01R
                sample_time, pulse_count, compass, east_dir, north_dir<crlf>
                   5.0        248         302.7     -0.968   0.250<crlfetx>
                - C language format: "%5.2f %6d %5.1f %6.3f %6.3f\r\n\x03"
        T       Enter test mode
                - responds with continuous scans of data following initial
                'Wait...' message, except <crlf> terminator only (no ETX).
                - scans occur every 5 seconds (counting interval of interface)
                - data is pulses/5 sec, speed (M/S), wind direction degrees,
                vane direction degrees, compass degrees, tilt-x degrees,
                tilt-y degrees; 
                - for example (headings for reference - not sent by module):
                pp5s spd  dir    vane   comp    tx    ty

                #WND01T Wait...
                249  4.9  285.1  341.8  303.3   0.8   0.4<crlf>
                249  4.9  285.1  341.8  303.3   0.8   0.4<crlf>
                249  4.9  285.1  341.8  303.3   0.8   0.4<crlf>
                249  4.9  285.1  341.8  303.3   0.8   0.4<crlf>
                - the command terminates on receipt of an ASCII ESC (1Bh) 
                character. The last scan sent is terminated by <crlfetx>.
                - C language format: "%4d %5.1f %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f\r\n"
        U       Update BB_RAM contents
                - enters the update mode after confirmation of 'OK' 
                password.  New BB_RAM values may be entered in this mode.
                - upon initial entry, you must send the letters OK after the 
                command or the command is ignored, e.g. #WND01UOK.
                Upon receipt of the correct password, a set of prompts will
                be issued to allow entry of new module address, module 
                manufacturer's info, sensor info, software info, calibration 
                facility info, raw and calibrated output format info, up to 8
                sets of calibration constants, display entire info area, and 
                exit with or without update.
                - the '0' choice for 'Exit without update' leaves the module 
                RAM and BB_RAM in its original state.
                - all responses to prompts must be terminated with <cr>.  
                The final response from the module upon exit is <crlfetx>.
                NOTE 1: Upon completion, the newly updated module address 
                will not take effect until the next reset or power-up.
        XMODE   XMODEM Dump PCMCIA card via console in RS232 mode only;
                   (only if FLASH card installed)

                The following description assumes PCPLUS for terminal software, 
                but any terminal program capable of XMODEM transfer should work.

                On entry, WND module will prompt:
Set terminal speed for 38400 then hit any key After setting speed and hitting a key, you will see:
XMODEM Send Function
Waiting for start...
Start a transfer (PgDn in PCPLUS) - on completion, you will see:
Sent 89 blocks - done
Restore terminal speed to 9600 then hit any key
After resetting speed to 9600 baud and hitting a key, WND will send a "\r\n" Ignore occasional gibberish when changing baud rates! Note: Only data record portion of FLASH card is dumped via XMODEM; See FLASH Record Format.

Revision history: