Comms Controller Hardware Setup - Cerfboard and Modem Initial Configuration
The following steps configure new hardware for use in the Iridium Comms Controller package:
Modem Configuration
- Install the SIM card, establish comms from a terminal program at 38400 N81,
then set PIN code as follow:
Response: SIM PIM (it is locked)
NOTE: if the response is already SIM PIN2, you're all set. The 2 most recent
NAL modems worked this way out of the box.
- AT+CPIN="1111"
Response: OK (to unlock)
- AT+CLCK="SC",0,"1111"
Response: OK
- The modem is ready to use
AT+CPIN? now gives response of SIM PIN2 (means ready)
Cerfboard Configuration
- Get the Cerfboard running with a 38400 N81 terminal at TTYS0 (the console port); be sure
to start your terminal software first, then power up the Cerfboard.
- At the login prompt: root, then passwd: rootme
- Setup networking by making static IP and setting all as follows:
- ifswitch-to-static
- ifedit
- IP: (bombadil)
- mask:
- gate:
- Edit resolv.conf for DNS, etc.
- Edit /etc/bash.bashrc to add:
- PS1="\h:\w\\$ "
- alias ls='ls --color -F -T 0'
- Test ssh
- IMPORTANT! Now must edit /etc/inittab to eliminate system console on
/dev/ttyS0 since this will be the SIM Logger module console port. After reboot,
all access to Cerfboard 270 is via ethernet, so above networking setup is important!
Also, must (??) use recompiled kernel like zImage270-keyspan4 .....
more info here....
- Install some packages (procps and fdisk may already be there on Cerfboard 270):
- ipkg install procps to install 'ps'
- ipkg install fdisk
- Download microcom.....ipk from Intrinsyc and install:
- download using ftp or scp
- ipkg install microcom.....ipk
- ipkg install ntpdate to set system time (as follows):
- ntpdate
- hwclock --systohc
- Remember: cat /proc/meminfo to see memory usage
- Put iridium stuff in /root/iridium/
- Put "iridium" script in /etc/init.d and make executable:
/root/iridium/do-iridium.long /root/iridium/ird-temp logr53
- In /etc/rc2.d/, symlink S95iridium and S90local :
ln -s ../init.d/iridium S95iridium
ln -s ../init.d/local S90local
- Test it all!