last update: 27 Mar 2008
Iridium Configuration - PC104 Prototype units
NOTES: Comm port connections on Iridium Comms Controller:
- ttyS0 - system console (9600 N81)
- ttyS4 - SIMIF
- ttyS5 - Iridium Modem
- ttyS6 - ACMIF
SIM Logger Configuration (firmware SIM53 V1.10)
ACM Logger Configuration (firmware ACMODEM45 V1.01)
Comms Controller Configuration
Nothing to configure!
Note that the Iridium console cable pinout is standard ASIMET and LOGR53. Procomm or equivalent should be set for
9600 N81
BEFORE applying power to the Iridium console cable! Applying power at the Iridium console cable will switch power ON to the
comms controller. Procomm will display the startup messages then the Iridium SEND script messages, followed by the Linux system
prompt. This will cause an extra Iridium transmission if the logger currently has the comms controller power OFF. Remember that the
logger ALWAYS turns ON iridium power for the first hour after main logger power up, then for 15 minutes every 4 hours thereafter.
NOTE that removing power from the Iridium comms controller at anytime should be OK - a Linux shutdown is not necessary.
Logger Configuration (firmware NEWLGR53 V3.22)
- Do normal logger setup first - must be NEWLGR53 V3.22 firmware (with Iridium support) - NTAS-type
firmware used on WHOTS currently
see NTAS MET LOGR53 Commands - Firmware Ver 3.xx with
Iridium Support
- In UOK setup, 3 parameters set for Iridium comms:
- CCD set for 15 minutes ON time at each interval
- CCI set for 4 hour interval
- RE set for 1 minute R-interval (RAM buffer holds max 255 one-minute records)
- A logger STAT command should show:
Logging Interval: 60
R-interval: 1
- A logger CCSTAT command should show:
or something similar. Significantly, the first digit is the hours interval in EEPROM
and the second digit is the minutes duration in EEPROM.
see NTAS MET LOGR53 Commands - Firmware Ver 3.xx with
Iridium Support for full info.
System Operation
- Start SIM Logger and confirm AOK; power is supplied via special console cable breakout
(NOT from Comms Controller).
- Start ACM Logger and confirm AOK; power is supplied via special console cable breakout
(NOT from Comms Controller).
- Connect Iridium Comms Controller box as follows (don't connect power control cable!):
- IMPORTANT! First Connect Antenna!
- Connect SIM Logger console to Comms Controller SIM input
- Connect ACM Logger console to Comms Controller ACM input
- Connect Comms Power (6-pin cable)
- this will initiate a complete acquisition and satellite transmission cycle
- Once above is successful, you should get 2 messages from the system in your Iridium mailbox within
a minute or so, typically.
- The comms controller is powered up every 4 hours for 15 minutes using the settings shown above. If
you have ethernet access thru the open cover of the comms controller, you can ssh to the PC104 stack if
you wish. This is not necessary to operation, however.
If in doubt about the state of the system, pull the main 6-pin power connector to the grey box to restart
everything (this will initiate a transmission cycle so you can confirm all is working).