Comms Controller Hardware Setup - Cerfboard and Modem Initial Configuration
The following steps configure new hardware for use in the Iridium Comms Controller package:
Modem Configuration
- Install the SIM card, establish comms from a terminal program at 38400 N81, then set PIN code as follow:
Response: SIM PIM (it is locked)
- AT+CPIN="1111"
Response: OK (to unlock)
- AT+CLCK="SC",0,"1111"
Response: OK
- The modem is ready to use
AT+CPIN? now gives response of SIM PIN2 (means ready)
Modem Manual Testing
- Test the modem using a terminal program set to 9600 n81 as follows:
- Modem OK?: send AT - responds OK
- Modem registered with sat?: send AT+CREG? - responds +CREG:000,001 (in home area)
- Enter an SBD text message: send AT+SBDWT=this is my message - responds OK
- Send the message: send AT+SBDI - responds +SBDI: 1, [some seq number], 0, 0, 0, 0 (e.g.: +SBDI: 1, 2317, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Cerfboard Configuration
- Get the Cerfboard running with a 38400 N81 terminal at TTYS0 (the console port); be sure to start the
terminal software first, then power up the Cerfboard.
- At the login prompt: root, then passwd: rootme
- Setup networking by making static IP and setting all as follows:
- ifswitch-to-static
- ifedit
- IP: (elrond)
- mask:
- gate:
- Edit resolv.conf for DNS, etc.
- Edit /etc/bash.bashrc to add:
- PS1="\h:\w\\$ "
- alias ls='ls --color -F -T 0'
- Test ssh
- Install some packages:
- ipkg install procps to install 'ps'
- ipkg install fdisk
- Download minicom_2.00.0_arm.ipk from Intrinsyc and install:
- download using ftp or scp
- ipkg install minicom.....ipk
- configure for ttyS4, N81 (LOGR port)
- ipkg install ntpdate to set system time (as follows):
- ntpdate
- hwclock --systohc
- Remember: cat /proc/meminfo to see memory usage
- Put iridium stuff in /root/iridium/
- Put "iridium" script in /etc/init.d and make executable:
/root/iridium/do-iridium.long /root/iridium/ird-temp logr53
- In /etc/rc2.d/, symlink S95iridium and S90local :
ln -s ../init.d/iridium S95iridium
ln -s ../init.d/local S90local
- Test it all!