Last update: 12 Apr 2001
l> Connect Seimac WildCAT to a dummy load, attach DevKit cables and +12V bench supply (OFF).
3> Start Seimac PTTComm software
4a> If the WildCAT is new, it will be set for the default 4800 baud comms rate:
4b> If WildCAT has been configured before, it should be set for 9600 baud:
5> Open the WHOI-LOGR53-2.CFG file (the standard PTT configuration file - save this from your browser and copy it to the \pttcomm subdirectory on your PC with the rest of the Seimac PTTComm files).
6> Hit software "START" button to initiates comms to PTT
7> Now turn ON bench power supply
8> Comms should start now and the software should issue a "Comms OK" message
9> Confirm that the WHOI-LOGR53-2.CFG settings include "Baud Rate - 9600"; change this if necessary
10> Hit software "CFG" button to send the new configuration to the Seimac WildCAT
ll> When new configuration is successfully sent, turn off power to Seimac. (New config takes effect at next power up).
12> Open File | Preferences and set back to 9600 baud; click "OK" to exit Preferences.
13> Close all windows now.
14> Now repeat Steps 5 - 7:
15> Edit the WHOI-LOGR53-2.CFG file to include the desired ID numbers and the correct primary and secondary rep rates (should be the same).
16> Hit software "CFG" button to send the new configuration to the Seimac WildCAT
17> When new configuration is successfully sent, momentarily cycle power to Seimac.
18> Watch for startup and first transmit cycle to complete.