To convert binary data files from the VMCM2 to ASCII format, use the following commands to call the conversion programs as follows (these calls convert the binary file vm020217.dat to ASCII):
./vmcm2swab vm020217.dat vm020217.swb
./vmcm2asc vm020217.swb vm020217.asc
The intermediate binary file vm020217.swb is byte swapped for 80x86 (PC) processors (since Franklin C51 compiler byte-order is MS byte first in memory). The ASCII output file will be vm020217.asc; the original file vm020217.dat is left untouched.
The ASCII output file is formatted with one record per line, comma-separated values, as follows:
hour, minute, second, day, month, 4 digit year,
float value of VelEast in cm/s,
float value of VelNorth in cm/s,
integer value of Rotor 1 counts, (rotor nearest to endcap)
integer value of Rotor 2 counts, (rotor farthest from endcap)
float value of Last Compass in degrees,
float value of Last Tilt X in degrees,
float value of Last Tilt Y in degrees,
float value of Sea Temperature in degrees C,
float value of Thermistor Resistance in ohms,
integer value of multiplexed parameter number,
float value of multiplexed parameter