See ASIMET MODULE OPERATIONS document for instructions
on how to hook up the comms link to your PC and RS-485 adapter. This board may be used both as a
front-end interface board in conjunction with an VOS/ASIMET C51 logger board or in a
"standalone IMET-compatible module" mode.
Refer to Latest Version Information for
reference info on latest firmware version numbers.
Note: commands sent are indicated in BOLD, responses in normal text. <crlf> represents ASCII carriage return and line feed.
Command Description
A Address acknowledge - returns address of module, terminated by <crlf> - e.g. #HPS01A HPS01<crlf> - NOTE 1: HPS01 is the default address of the HPS module; it may be changed by the 'U' command but any failure of EEPROM will result in the use of the default address. In addition, use of defaults is reported in the 'L' command. - NOTE 2: All 3 ASIMET modules (HRH, PRC, SWR) based on this board expect address HPS01 only. C Output calibrated interval mode data; also switch to 1 minute interval mode if currently in polled mode - outputs most recent calibrated values of relative humidity in %, air temperature in degrees C, precipitation level in mm, and shortwave radiation in w/m^2. That is, as follows: rh%, degC <crlf> or mm <crlf> or w/m^2 <crlf> - example: #HPS01C 65.32, 24.33<crlf> - sensor power is turned ON before each 1 minute reading per the O setting under UOK command. H Help - #HPS01H - a multiple line response with text similar to the first line of each command description in this document as the help line, with each line terminated <crlf>, as follows: Firmware VOSHPS V1.2 - xxx only A - Address acknowledge C - Calibrated data (and goto IMET-style interval mode 1) H - Display Help message L - Report ID, serial #, cal info M - Report cal constant set 1: A B C D N - Report cal constant set 2: A B C D P - Calibrated data (and goto polled mode 0) T - Enter test mode U - Update EEPROM constants - password 'OK' - A,C[S,T],D,M,Q,S,WOK - xxx will be HRH, PRC, or SWR depending on the current firmware configuration. - 'N' command is present on HRH version only. L Report ID, serial #, cal info, etc. - the 'L' command provides miscellaneous status information about the module in a multi-line response. - The number of lines in the response may vary depending upon the EEPROM status and HPS Model (All sensors, HRH only, PRC only, or SWR only) Normally, after an initial <crlf>, 8 lines of info are provided, as follows: #HPS01L module id from EEPROM module serial number from EEPROM firmware name and version from program EPROM RH% cal constant from EEPROM RHT cal constant from EEPROM or PRC cal constant from EEPROM or SWR cal constant from EEPROM - example normal response (5 or 6 lines plus initial <crlf>): HPS01 001 VOSHPS v1.2 RH%: 0.00000e+00 2.40000e-02 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 RHT: -4.00000e+01 2.50000e-02 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 or PRC: 0.00000e+00 2.40000e-02 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 or SWR: 1.03200e+01 4.32000e-02 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 - HRH, PRC, or SWR only models display only the appropriate cal constants; i.e. HRH will display only cal sets #1 and #2, and SWR or PRC will display only cal set #1. (See 'U' command). M Output first set of calibration constants - returns cal set #1 values A B C D without heading, space separated (for easy access from VOS/ASIMET C51 logger board) - example: #HPS01M 0.00000e+00 2.40000e-02 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 N Output second set of calibration constants (HRH model only) - returns cal set #2 values A B C D without heading, space separated (for easy access from VOS/ASIMET C51 logger board) - example: #HPS01N -4.00000e+01 2.50000e-02 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 P Output polled mode data; also switch to polled mode if currently in 1 minute IMET-style interval mode - outputs same info as 'T' command, i.e. both calibrated and raw data, after slight delay to acquire new data. - sensor power is always ON in this mode. R Rain Detector bit - if a rain detector is attached, returns 1 if NO RAIN, 0 if RAINING T Enter test mode - responds with continuous scans (about 1 second interval) of all 1 or 2 parameters including raw counts from A/D converter, as follows: rh%, degC : rhcount, tmpcount<crlf> or mm : prccount<crlf> or w/m^2 : swrcount<crlf> - example (for HRH version): #HPS01T 65.32, 24.33 : 45123, 23124<crlf> - exits on receipt of ESC character. U Update EEPROM contents - enters the update mode after confirmation of 'OK' password. New EEPROM values may be entered in this mode. - upon initial entry, you must send the letters OK after the command or the command is ignored, e.g. #HPS01UOK may be sent as one. Upon receipt of the correct 'password', the response will be OK if current parameters are valid, or NEW if parameters have never been entered or are suspicious (i.e. EEPROM failure or bad internal checksum). - response to an unknown command is '?' - IMPORTANT! command letter or letters A, Cxy, or S will respond with the current setting when issued followed by <cr> only . If followed by =xxxxx<cr>, where xxxxx is some appropriate value, the EEPROM setting will be changed pending receipt of 'WOK' command to make it permanent. Subsequent requests for current settings will report the new value while still in update mode. However, if update mode is exited with 'Q', the original settings of all parameters will remain intact. - the following commands are available in EEPROM update mode: A - module Address (1 to 5 characters) Cxy - Cal Constants, where x is set 1 or 2, and y is constant A to D O - Precip sensor ON time (1 - 30 seconds, default 5) before taking A/D reading Q - Quit without writing new info to EEPROM S - Serial number WOK - Write new info to EEPROM and exit - Cal Constant Sets apply as follows: - HRH only HPS model: 1 - RH% 2 - TMP - PRC only HPS model: 1 - PRC - SWR only HPS model: 1 - SWR - Cal constants are used in a polynomial of form: A + Bx + Cx^2 + Dx^3 - examples: To change the current module address: A=HRG01<cr> To see the address: A<cr> To see the current C2A cal constant: C2A<cr> To change it: C2A=1.5502<cr> NOTE: Upon completion, the newly updated module address will not take effect until the next reset or power-up.