Argos ASImet Variable Resolution


var units bits scale bias resolution max value sensor range
bpr mb 8 1.0 900 1 ff=1155 850 to 1050 mb
atmp degC 12 0.01 -500 0.01 fff=35.95 -20 ° to +55 ° C
stmp degC 12 0.01 -200 0.01 fff=38.95 -5 to 35° C
wndu m/s 10 0.1 -511 0.1 3ff=51.2 0 - 60 m/s, 0 - 360°
wndv m/s 10 0.1 -511 0.1 3ff=51.2 0 - 60 m/s, 0 - 360°
rh % 7 1.0 0 1 7f=127 0 to 100%
srad W/m2 11 1.0 0 1 7ff=2047 NA
lrad W/m2 10 1.0 0 1 3ff=1023 0 to 1400 W/m2
prec mm 6 1.0 0 1 3f=63 0 to 50 mm
cond S/m 12 0.01 -500 0.01 fff=35.95 0-7 S/m

Last updated: Aug. 1, 2017