file: vsonicwnd4cf_cmd.html
18 Dec 2009


See ASIMET MODULE OPERATIONS document for instructions on how to hook up the comms link to your PC and RS-485 adapter.
Refer to Latest Version Information for reference info on latest firmware version numbers.

CFLASH NOTE 1 - Firmware Ver 4.xx has been tested using SanDisk CompactFLASH cards (256 MB and 64 MB) with SanDisk CompactFLASH PC Card (PCMCIA) Adapters on WHOI VO80053 Rev C/D CPU boards.

CFLASH NOTE 2 - CompactFLASH cards MUST be formatted using the I command choice in the FOK command menu. CompactFLASH cards may be read on a PC and will contain 2 files: a .INF user-defined Info file, and a .DAT Data file. Processing of the new .DAT file is identical to processing the data files from older PCMCIA-based loggers, since the data file record format is unchanged.

Note 1: this module uses the GILWND45 type of sensor front-end. Reference the GILWND45 Gill Sonic Wind Interface Commands document.

        Note that the Gill wind sensor documentation refers to the Gill U axis as "north"
        and the Gill V axis as "east".   In addition, wind blowing TO the east on the
        Gill V (east) axis is negative.

        UOP / Oceanographic convention is as follows:

                Wind TO the EAST is POSITIVE on the U axis
                Wind TO the NORTH is POSITIVE on the V axis

        Thus, the "raw" Gill values are converted before further use in the
                sonic_U_east = -(gill_V);
                sonic_V_north = gill_U;

	The R command below displays the actual U and V values received from the Gill sensor.
	The T command below displays the sonic_U_east and sonic_V_north values corresponding
	to  UOP / Oceanographic convention as described here.

Note 2: This module is compatible with the ASIMET RM Young Wind Module; the 'C' command output is identical in format. The RM Young LastVane parameter is replace by the equivalent the Gill LastXYDir parameter.

Note 3: CFLASH Storage - In addition to the one-minute values displayed by the C command below, the Gill sensor values for Speed of Sound and Temperature are logged - see Record Format. Speed of Sound and Temperature may be viewed via the R command below.

Note: commands sent are indicated in BOLD, responses in normal text. <crlf> represents ASCII carriage return and line feed; <crlfetx> represents ASCII carriage return, line feed, ETX (03h).

Command Description

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