Project Stratus

to NOAA Web site Principal funding is provided by the NOAA Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing (GOMO) Program.

Data Links
Stratus 22
Text files:
Daily: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2
Complete: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2
NetCDF: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2
CDL: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2

Recent Plots:
plot-1, plot-2, plot-3
Full-length plots:
plot-1, plot-2, plot-3.
Stratus 21
Text files:
Daily: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2
Complete: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2
NetCDF: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2
CDL: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2

Recent Plots:
plot-1, plot-2, plot-3
Full-length plots:
plot-1, plot-2, plot-3.
See Also
PMEL's Stratus CO2 Measurements
NDBC's Stratus Wave Data

Real Time Data

The Stratus site is WMO station 38400, and is NDBC Partner Platform 32ST0.

Hourly averaged meteorological data for the current deployment of the Stratus buoy is recieved via Iridium transmissions. Preliminary data is displayed in unedited form as time series and is available for download as ASCII files.

A note on resolution, and one on data formats.

Stratus 22

The 22nd Stratus buoy was deployed near 22°S, 85°W on December 6, 2023 at 1:16 UTC.

imet fig 1 imet fig 2

Last updated: 2024/05/28