Sponsor Acronyms

The agency listed is the primary source of funding. Many experiments relied on funding from several sources.

NameAgency Description
Arabian Sea ONR Arabian Sea Mixed Layer Dynamics Experiment
ASREX 91 ONR Acoustic Surface Reverberation Experiment, 1991
ASREX 93 ONR Acoustic Surface Reverberation Experiment, 1993
Biowatt ONR Bio-Optical and Physical Moored Measurement Program
CMO ONR Coastal Mixing and Optics Moored Array
COARE NSF Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment
CODE NSF Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment, 1982
CoOP NSF Coastal Ocean Processes Inner Shelf Study
FASINEX ONR Frontal Air-Sea Interaction Experiment
GLOBEC-95 NSF Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics Stratification Study
LOTUS ONR Long Term Upper Ocean Study
MLML-89 ONR Marine Light - Mixed Layers Experiment, 1989
MLML-91 ONR Marine Light - Mixed Layers Experiment, 1991
PACS NOAA Pan-American Climate Study
PreSub ONR Preliminary Subduction Experiment
SESMOOR ONR Severe Environment Surface Mooring
SMILE NSF Shelf Mixed Layer Experiment
Subduction ONR Subduction Experiment
SWADE ONR Surface Waves Dynamics Experiment
SWAPP ONR Surface Waves Processes Program

Last updated: 2019/09/13