Notes ASIMet data formats Resolution Copy of UOP instrument database Argos Code Campbell power consumption tool

The NTAS-XVIII buoy was deployed on 2020/01/10 17:45:00.

The NTAS-XVIII buoy was recovered on 2020/10/20.

NTAS 18 adrift 2020/04/28 08:00 UTC.



Campbell startup.log

Sys 2 Telemetry stopped 2020/06/03 04:00. Logger board inspected upon recovery and found to be fried
Sys 4 Campbell system: Powered down 2020/07/12. Firmware: NTAS18_1105.CR1X. Transmitted hourly records every 6 hrs.

Sys1 16 *7170 Raw QC
Sys2 12 *4170 Raw QC
Sys3 1 *3210 Raw QC

NTAS-XVIII MET QC p1 (complete) NTAS-XVIII MET p1 (complete)
NTAS-XVIII MET QC p2 (complete) NTAS-XVIII MET p2 (complete)
NTAS-XVIII MET QC p3 (complete) NTAS-XVIII MET p3 (complete)


2020/04/28 08:00 UTC NTAS18 left the watch circle.

NTAS18 has two Rovers. Text files and plots are a compilation of all Rover instruments

NTAS18 Kilo *4350 did not turn on during recovery

NTAS-XVIII deployed: 14.7430N, 50.9451W.

Instrument ID Tabulated Data Throughput Plot
Xeos Melo 300034013709960 Melo GPS throughput Melo.png
Xeos Rover *3547190 Rover GPS throughput Rover.png
Beacon Modem 300234062644350 Beacon GPS
Google Earth NTAS-XVIII.kml



300125060055060 Raw QC Raw QC throughput