
Notes ASIMet data formats Resolution Copy of UOP instrument database Argos Code Campbell power consumption tool

The Stratus-XXI buoy was deployed on 2023/02/27 20:47:00.

The Stratus-XXI buoy was recovered on 2023/12/08 08:45:00.

2023/02/18 ASIMET systems powered on



Sys 1 MetOcean telemetry outage 2023/10/18-2023/10/26.
Sys 2 2023/03/07 SBE37 failure. 2023/04/16 Occasional BPR spikes. MetOcean telemetry outage 2023/10/18-2023/10/26.

Sys1 4 *1510 Raw QC
Sys2 14 *1050 Raw QC

Stratus-XXI MET QC p1 (complete) Stratus-XXI MET p1 (complete)
Stratus-XXI MET QC p2 (complete) Stratus-XXI MET p2 (complete)
Stratus-XXI MET QC p3 (complete) Stratus-XXI MET p3 (complete)


2023/02/18 Melo powered on

2023/02/18 Rovers powered on

2023/02/18 Kilo powered on

Stratus-XXI deployed: 22.5042S, 85.8202W.

Instrument ID Tabulated Data Throughput Plot
Xeos Melo 300034013701980 Melo GPS throughput Melo.png
Xeos Rover *3443730, *300434063448720 Rover GPS throughput Rover.png
Beacon Modem 300234062945460 Beacon GPS
Google Earth Stratus-XXI.kml