Upper Ocean Mooring Data Repository - CMO: Coastal Mixing and Optics Experiment
Water Salinity


Location: 40° 30´ N, 70° 30´W
Duration: 10.5 months, from July, 1996 to June, 1997
Variables: Salinity and Sigma
Instrumentation: The Seabird SBE 16s (SeaCats) and SBE 26 (TideGauges)in the list of subsurface instruments measured salinity.
Processing Notes: are available in a plain text file.
Time Series Plots of Central Site Salinity

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Site / FileTypeMetaDataEPIC (NetCDF)Compressed ASCIIASCII
Alongshore cmoalongsal.meta cmoalongsal.epic cmoalongsal.asc.gz cmoalongsal.asc
Central cmocentsal.meta cmocentsal.epic cmocentsal.asc.gz cmocentsal.asc
Inshore cmoinsal.meta cmoinsal.epic cmoinsal.asc.gz cmoinsal.asc
Offshore cmooffsal.meta cmooffsal.epic cmooffsal.asc.gz cmooffsal.asc

Last updated: May 17, 2008