Upper Ocean Mooring Data Repository - Arabian Sea Experiment
Location: At 15° 30´N, 61° 30´E
Duration: 94/10/16 to 95/10/19
Sample Rate: 7.5 minutes
- Air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure,
sea temperature, east and north wind speeds, wind speed,
wind direction, incoming shortwave (solar) and longwave
radiation, precipitation rate.
Time series plot
Download Meteorological Data
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Note: The meteorological data file has been replaced on 2012/6/27. The new file corresponds to the one used in the calculation of surface fluxes. Differences between the originally-posted file and this one include slight changes to HRH on data from both deployments, plus wind and SWR on the second deployment.
metadata EPIC (NetCDF) compressed ASCII ASCII arabianseamet.meta arabianseamet.epic arabianseamet.asc.gz arabianseamet.asc
Also available: Heat fluxes (EPIC)
Last updated: March 14, 2008