Upper Ocean Mooring Data Repository - TOGA COARE: Tropical Ocean Global
Atmosphere Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment
Water Velocities
The TOGA COARE site is under development. Some pages may be in draft form. Please use caution and return here later to confirm anything you download
Location: Equatorial Pacific, at 1° 45.36´N, 155° 59.7´EDuration: 4.5 months, from October 21, 1992 to March 4, 1993.
Sample Rate: 15 minutes
Variables: Salinity (PSU)
Instrumentation: SBE SeaCats. See the table of instruments and the glossary of instrument types.
Processing notes are available here.
Download Salinity Data
Please read the downloading tips and the description of format options.
metadata | EPIC (NetCDF) | compressed ASCII | ASCII |
Last updated: May 17, 2008