Upper Ocean Mooring Data Repository - FASINEX: Frontal Air-Sea Interaction Experiment
Data Report Abstract

The Frontal Air-Sea Interaction Experiment (FASINEX) examined air-sea interaction in the vicinity of sea surface temperature fronts in the Subtropical Convergence Zone (STCZ). Mooring measurements were made from five surface, four Profiling Current Meter (PCM) and two longer-duration subsurface moorings. The surface and PCM moorings, which made up the FASINEX central array were set in January 1986 and remained on station for six months. The two outlying subsurface moorings, set 90 miles south and 30 miles north of the central array were deployed in October 1984 and were recovered with the central array moorings in June 1986.

The surface moorings collected oceanographic and meteorological data, using a 3-meter instumented discus buoy and eight to ten Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCMs) and Vector Averaging Current Meters VACMs).

The surface buoy carried a Vector Averaging Wind Recorder (VAWR) and a Meteorological Recorder (MR) which measured wind speed and direction, sea surface temperature, air temperature, insolation, barometric pressure and relative humidity. The MR also transmitted meteorological and engineering data via Argos. The VMCMs and VACMs, placed from 10 to 400m, measured oceanic velocities and temperatures.

The subsurface moorings measured oceanic velociites and temperatures for 160 to 4060m, carrying a totla of seven VACMs and a WOTAN (Wind Observations Through Ambient Nosie).

Reference as: Pennington N., Weller R., Brink K., FASINEX Moored Current Meter Array Data Report, WHOI Technical Report 88-63, Woods Hole, MA, December 1988, 273 pp.

Last updated: March 25, 2008