Bay of Bengal

R.V. Sagar Nidhi and Monsoon Buoy
Photo courtesy Sean Patrick Whelan
to ONR Web site
Principal funding provided by
Office Of Naval Research

Preliminary real-time surface flux calculations

This page displays the results of an experimental system to calculate surface fluxes in near-real-time using surface data from the Bay of Bengal Monsoon Buoy.

While this data is being made available, please recognize that these are preliminary results from unedited data. We are working to include automated quality control procedures, however at present this data is intended for use in developing the system, and not as a resource for understanding air-fluxes in the Bay of Bengal.


System 1

Sensible heat flux (W/m2) Latent heat flux (W/m2)
Net longwave Radiation (W/m2) Net shortwave Radiation (W/m2)
Net total heat (W/m2) Evaporation Rate (mm/hr)

System 2

Sensible heat flux (W/m2) Latent heat flux (W/m2)
Net longwave Radiation (W/m2) Net shortwave Radiation (W/m2)
Net total heat (W/m2) Evaporation Rate (mm/hr)

Last updated: January, 2015